Monday, July 13, 2009

The Dungan Five Reunited

On Friday, Sydney made it home from a week at camp. When she arrived off of the bus she was dog tired. Still, there were hugs and kisses to go around. She was relatively quiet on the way home, though. Truth be told, I was a little disappointed. I wanted dirt. I wanted to hear all of the stories. There really weren't any on the way home and most of our questions were followed by short answers.

"So, Sydney, tell us about your favorite activity at camp."

"Zip Line."

See what I mean, totally underwhelming. When we got home we had a family lunch. She didn't liven up much. After lunch we escorted Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum upstairs for their naps. By the time I made it back downstairs Sydney had already fallen asleep on the couch. If that was not a sign of how completely worn out she was, I don't know what was. She slept the longest of the Dungan clan.

When she woke up late Friday afternoon, my Sydney was back. She was full of snuggles and cuddles and her eyes lit up whenever she began talking about her trip. She had an absolute blast telling us about all of her favorite things and how she spent her days. It turns out that this was the trip of pottery. Apparently she only elected to do the pottery classes as she came home with some 20 (literally) hand made artifacts. She made bowls, cups, letters, starfish, and you name it. She absolutely delighted in telling us about each one and gave everyone at least two of her precious works of art for there very own.

The evening was very different from what she was like when we picked her up. She talked nonstop about all of her adventures.

It was great to have our Sydney back.

The weekend was relatively uneventful. We spent the majority of our time at the house together. In fact, I don't even recall leaving. We swam, chored, played on the Wii and even got in a few movies. It was perfectly relaxing. It was wonderful to have the Dungan five back together.

You may be wondering about the whole behavioral thing. Well, it is too early to tell. Ironically Graham and Ainsley were the culprits whenever an issue arose this weekend. I am happy to say that, when needed, our actions have been swift and we have yet to see any of the psychosis that proceeded the separation brought on by camp. Only time will tell, but we have been happy with the continued improvement.

For me, this week will be extremely busy as I review neuroblastoma research proposals for my upcoming trip to Washington D.C. this weekend.

Purpose overfloweth.

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