Friday, February 8, 2008

5:21 AM 2/8/2008

Wow, is it Friday already? I can hardly see how that is possible. Well, I suppose that is just how the cookie crumbles. We have a busy weekend planned, flush with parties and fun. It all begins tonight with dinner with the Robertson's. Yes, Sydney will be seeing her long lost love, Truman. It should make for a good time all around. Monday starts the beginning of another nail biting week for the Dungan household. Next week is scan week. We will lead off with a bone scan to get the week started and go from there. It will not be a particularly good week for her as it will require three separate pokes on three separate occasions. I truly feel for her.

Scans are always so difficult and I try to plan them out so they have as minimum as an impact as they possibly can. Generally speaking I always try to schedule her scans so that we can get the injections for them while she is under anesthesia. She is so entirely hard to hit this always seems to work best. First of all, she is relaxed and, second, the anesthesia dilates her veins. This saves her four or five sticks from nurses that aren't able to hit her veins. Regardless, even though we try to schedule things to happen in this fashion they never do. In fact, they give me the impression that they think we are ridiculous for asking. The funny thing is that it is the nurses from the prior set of scans that always ask us to do that. Regardless, it is a mess and even though we do are best to get things coordinated properly it always seems as though they end up scheduling it so that she needs 3 or 4 peripheral IVs. It stinks. Maybe this time after the nurse has missed her vein for the fourth time I can get her to write me a note to give to the person that schedules that procedures. There has to be a solution. Sydney is such a tough little girl but it is just torture for her.

Well I had best be off. Another day.

More purpose!

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